Screen one isn’t a company, it’s a movement.

A movement that aims to revolutionise the British cinema output. To bring a true diversity to the art form, and push audiences to new levels. 

For far too long, British cinema has fallen behind the rest of the world when it comes to unique artistic voices and breaking conventional narratives; instead resorting to poverty porn and costume dramas. 

We believe film is an art form. We love the surreal, the absurd and the experimental. Those who push the boundaries of what’s known and attempt new formats, new stories and new ways of delivering them. 

Our production team produce documentaries and dramas that break narrative conventions. 

Our festival, REC:PLAY, encourages play in film and spotlights the best artists in the industry.

Our society, LESS, bring together a community of  like-minded artists to a monthly networking screening and challenges artists to collaborate together.

Our development team picks up projects that need polishing and guide them to their greatest output.

Our distribution team ensures your film gets the attention in the right places, finding art appreciators and spaces that fit your film’s mission.